Sweet Evil Wendy Higgins Books

Sweet Evil Wendy Higgins Books
Seductive, Sweet, and Intense, Sweet Evil is a book paranormal romance fans will devour. There's something about a forbidden romance, hot character chemistry and a fascinating paranormal world that makes for a read that's hard to put down, and Sweet Evil is one of those indulgence I couldn't stop reading. I was not excepting to find myself as wrapped as I was with this book. Wendy's world building, character development and engaging plot line made for an exciting read.Before I talk characters, I want to mention the world building. I was captivated with Wendy's ability to create a world that was both fascinating and intense in the sense I couldn't stop reading it. I wanted to know more about the world, the characters and their history. Don't write this book off for another YA book about angels and demons. There's much more than that happening in Sweet Evil. Yes, Sweet Evil has angel lore in it, but the main focus of the story is the characters who are the off spring of Demons, the fallen angels who followed Lucifer out of heaven and were banished to hell. Twelve of the strongest were made Dukes and reside on earth, and one is a Lord over one of the 12 indulgences humans fall victim too, lust, addictions, greed etc. Many of them have at least one offspring, hence the story of Anna.
I thought Anna was a great protagonist. She starts off as this sweet and completely innocent girl, but as the story goes on finds out far more than she ever thought possible about herself. She's the daughter of a Guardian Angel and a Demon. Her father is the Duke of Addiction. Here's the think I like about Anna, was getting to see and understand her inner battle over the good vs evil that she constantly faces on a daily bases. Being half and half makes her a powerful girl, but it also makes her naive to the things going on around her. I liked how much her grew as the story goes on, even though she does do a few surprising things. She not only meets her father for the first at sixteen and gets thrown right into this darker world, but she also falls in love for the first time. She meets Kaidan at a time when she's trying to figure out more about who she really is and what these abilities are that she has.
Kaidan, who just so happens to be the son of the Duke of Lust knows how to bring it in this story. This boy come loaded with charm, experience and hotness. One of the things I liked about Kaidan is how straight forward he is with Anna and really everyone. There's no sugar coating anything with this boy. The chemistry between Anna and Kaidan is smoking! I seriously loved how the two of them were intrigued with each other, couldn't stand each other, then were intrigued with each other again. Through out much of the book they fought the feelings they had for each other. They definitely had some steamy moments between the two of them, when they gave into their impulses. Being that heir love was strictly forbidden, and could result in death definitely upped the stakes in this book.
Aside from Anna and Kaidan is a cast of colorful characters who all added a richness to the story. They all had a purpose being in this book and I liked getting to know some of them more. Anna's Dad is someone who intrigued me the most. I loved that his bad a guy who ruled part of the dark underworld had this soft spot not only for Anna's mom before she did, but Anna as well. I mean he's not someone you want to mess with, but the tenderness he shows got to the softer side of me. I loved getting to know more about his story with Anna's mom. That's the thing that Wendy does with this book that hooked me. She creates such realistic characters, has these rich descriptions that just suck you in and allow you to feel and connect with the story, and she leaves wanting more. Not just from the main characters, but from all the characters.
The funny thing about this book is I was more drawn to the cover of it than the synopsis. I honestly thought there would be all this stuff going on in the book like a bunch of teenage partying, sex etc and I personally didn't want to read it. *gasp* I totally judged a book before reading it, and I'm so pleasantly surprised it proved me wrong! Yes there's sensual scenes, underage drinking, mentions of fooling around, rape and drugs, but there's no profanity, no sex or hard core stuff in this book. In fact, Anna is a virgin and her virginity plays a huge role in this book, and I liked that. This book is more about choosing your destiny, redemption and rising above what's expected of you vs what you know is right. From the moment I opened the book I couldn't put it down. The way in which Wendy unravels her plot line and allowed me to get to know her characters more and understand her world building was addicting and so refreshing for me. I'm hoping there's going to be a sequel to this book!

Tags : Amazon.com: Sweet Evil (9780062085610): Wendy Higgins: Books,Wendy Higgins,Sweet Evil,HarperTeen,0062085611,Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,Romance - General,Adoption,Angels,Angels;Fiction.,Aura,Demonology,Demonology;Fiction.,Extrasensory perception,Good and evil,Good and evil;Fiction.,JUVENILE FICTION General,JUVENILE FICTION Legends, Myths, Fables Other,JUVENILE FICTION Love & Romance,Love,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Fiction,Love & Romance,Paranormal,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Legends, Myths, Fables General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance Paranormal,Young Adult FictionLegends, Myths, Fables - General
Sweet Evil Wendy Higgins Books Reviews
Sweet Evil was breathtakingly perfect. It had every single thing I absolutely adore, and I closed the last page with tears in my eyes and hope in my heart. The characters I met and the story that unfolded captured my attention and made putting the book down next to impossible. When life forced that hand, I eagerly counted the minutes until I could step back into their world. It was so much more than good vs evil, because the pages were filled with friendship, hope, family, trust and discovering your heart. I loved every part of this story!
I absolutely adored Anna. She is what one could call a goody two-shoes, which I thought I'd have a hard time connecting to, yet she was so easy to understand. She is honest, loyal and has a heart of gold. Even when she reminded the teacher, in school, that they need to turn in the homework that hasn't been collected yet haha. But Anna has always known that she is different. And after a run in the with Kaidan Rowe, she starts to see how much more different she really is then her adoptive mom and best friend. Anna is a child of angels, one of light and one who is a demon.
Kaidan Rowe was gorgeously complicated and utterly heartbreaking. He is the child of a demon, and explained to Anna what was expected of them. Each of them are to have jobs, to be a bad influence to people, in their father's area of expertise. While I don't want to reveal what Kaidan's specialty is, just know that because of it I was always left swooning while also wanting to cry for him. So Kaidan easily caught me in his seductive spell. Even though he ran hot and cold towards Anna. In case you're not aware of this, I'm the one who's always looking for the tiniest clue of hope towards a character. So no matter what Kaidan said to Anna, I paid a great deal of attention to his actions. And some of the little things he did for Anna made my heart soar. He continually gave me hope, fingers crossed I'm correct!
There were also darker moments in Sweet Evil, and those times seemed to break Anna apart while swallowing her whole. And let me tell you, my heart shattered into a million pieces right along with her. I felt her depression, her confusion, and I just wanted to curl into a little ball and sob for her. Yet her perseverance and determination, that always won out, made me realize how much I respected and liked her. She felt like someone I'd want to know, be friends with and have on my side.
While I enjoyed the moments when Anna was with so many other characters I truly liked, Kaidan and Anna's moments together were my favorite. By far. When Kaidan and Anna were together, it felt as though fireworks were exploding. And I can't wait to see what will happen next! But thankfully after that ending, I was left with hope. Hope of what is to come, and hope that this series will easily wind up on my favorites list.
Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins was fun, steamy and unique. It was unlike any angel and demon story I had ever read before. Why, because in this story Nephilim are children born from demons and as such they are afflicted with the sins of their fathers. And by inflicted I mean that they actually bare their father’s sins and have to deal with the repercussions of them. In addition, the Nephilim also have to convince humans to give into their temptations creating a whirlpool of chaos.
This story is outrageous and addictive, but you can’t help reading it all the way through wanting to know what will happen between good girl Anna and bad boy Kaidan. The steamy scenes between them making this book worthwhile and drool worthy, I mean Kaidan is the physical representation of Lust need I say more.
Also this book may not be for everyone, but if you enjoy ridiculous and fun paranormal romances then you will probably enjoy this one. I would also recommend it to people who like the Lux series by Jennifer L. Armentrout because it tends to dwell more on the romance aspects of the book then the plot line itself. If you want a quick easy series to read, then jump on this band wagon.
Seductive, Sweet, and Intense, Sweet Evil is a book paranormal romance fans will devour. There's something about a forbidden romance, hot character chemistry and a fascinating paranormal world that makes for a read that's hard to put down, and Sweet Evil is one of those indulgence I couldn't stop reading. I was not excepting to find myself as wrapped as I was with this book. Wendy's world building, character development and engaging plot line made for an exciting read.
Before I talk characters, I want to mention the world building. I was captivated with Wendy's ability to create a world that was both fascinating and intense in the sense I couldn't stop reading it. I wanted to know more about the world, the characters and their history. Don't write this book off for another YA book about angels and demons. There's much more than that happening in Sweet Evil. Yes, Sweet Evil has angel lore in it, but the main focus of the story is the characters who are the off spring of Demons, the fallen angels who followed Lucifer out of heaven and were banished to hell. Twelve of the strongest were made Dukes and reside on earth, and one is a Lord over one of the 12 indulgences humans fall victim too, lust, addictions, greed etc. Many of them have at least one offspring, hence the story of Anna.
I thought Anna was a great protagonist. She starts off as this sweet and completely innocent girl, but as the story goes on finds out far more than she ever thought possible about herself. She's the daughter of a Guardian Angel and a Demon. Her father is the Duke of Addiction. Here's the think I like about Anna, was getting to see and understand her inner battle over the good vs evil that she constantly faces on a daily bases. Being half and half makes her a powerful girl, but it also makes her naive to the things going on around her. I liked how much her grew as the story goes on, even though she does do a few surprising things. She not only meets her father for the first at sixteen and gets thrown right into this darker world, but she also falls in love for the first time. She meets Kaidan at a time when she's trying to figure out more about who she really is and what these abilities are that she has.
Kaidan, who just so happens to be the son of the Duke of Lust knows how to bring it in this story. This boy come loaded with charm, experience and hotness. One of the things I liked about Kaidan is how straight forward he is with Anna and really everyone. There's no sugar coating anything with this boy. The chemistry between Anna and Kaidan is smoking! I seriously loved how the two of them were intrigued with each other, couldn't stand each other, then were intrigued with each other again. Through out much of the book they fought the feelings they had for each other. They definitely had some steamy moments between the two of them, when they gave into their impulses. Being that heir love was strictly forbidden, and could result in death definitely upped the stakes in this book.
Aside from Anna and Kaidan is a cast of colorful characters who all added a richness to the story. They all had a purpose being in this book and I liked getting to know some of them more. Anna's Dad is someone who intrigued me the most. I loved that his bad a guy who ruled part of the dark underworld had this soft spot not only for Anna's mom before she did, but Anna as well. I mean he's not someone you want to mess with, but the tenderness he shows got to the softer side of me. I loved getting to know more about his story with Anna's mom. That's the thing that Wendy does with this book that hooked me. She creates such realistic characters, has these rich descriptions that just suck you in and allow you to feel and connect with the story, and she leaves wanting more. Not just from the main characters, but from all the characters.
The funny thing about this book is I was more drawn to the cover of it than the synopsis. I honestly thought there would be all this stuff going on in the book like a bunch of teenage partying, sex etc and I personally didn't want to read it. *gasp* I totally judged a book before reading it, and I'm so pleasantly surprised it proved me wrong! Yes there's sensual scenes, underage drinking, mentions of fooling around, rape and drugs, but there's no profanity, no sex or hard core stuff in this book. In fact, Anna is a virgin and her virginity plays a huge role in this book, and I liked that. This book is more about choosing your destiny, redemption and rising above what's expected of you vs what you know is right. From the moment I opened the book I couldn't put it down. The way in which Wendy unravels her plot line and allowed me to get to know her characters more and understand her world building was addicting and so refreshing for me. I'm hoping there's going to be a sequel to this book!

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