Never Submit The Kurtherian Gambit Book 15 edition by Michael Anderle Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks

Never Submit The Kurtherian Gambit Book 15 edition by Michael Anderle Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks
We always knew they were in Space and preparing to go through the Gate to challenge the Yollins who thought to subjugate Earth. But would anyone expect the exit party on Earth? That was nicely done--a bit of romance, a bit of nostalgia, and a bucket of loose ends that needed stomping. Good fun!You wonder what could be next when you hear echoes of "No Coke. Pepsi" from the Blues Brothers.
You think you know where the Marvel Universe ends, and then you find Agent Colson in the vicinity of something sort of alien.
You know you're reading something above average when the Universe watches as the Queen Bitch weeps.
And when the battle for Yollin heats up, you know the Etheric Empire has been just as busy building a fleet as Blackhawk, William and Marcus have been busy brewing beer (and, maybe, more?).
That fifth star must have magnets, or gravitic engines. I keep trying to pull it down as a protest against copy editing that still needs work. Then that star flies back into formation because the story is just so fast and so fun.
The Kurtherian Gambit series is available as a direct purchase for Amazon Kindle, or as an indirect purchase through the Kindle Unlimited program, which is how I accessed it based on my monthly payment to KU, which then compensates authors whose books get read via KU. It's not like I bought a used book at a rummage sale for 25 cents (hardcover) or 10 cents (paperback). It's exclusively an ebook so I had to pay the piper somehow. Seems like both paths should justify the "verified purchase" label when reviews are being prioritized.
So far, 15 thumbs up and counting. Next stop: Never Surrender (The Kurtherian Gambit Book 16)

Tags : Never Submit (The Kurtherian Gambit Book 15) - Kindle edition by Michael Anderle. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Never Submit (The Kurtherian Gambit Book 15).,ebook,Michael Anderle,Never Submit (The Kurtherian Gambit Book 15),LMBPN Publishing,Fiction Science Fiction Genetic Engineering,Fiction Science Fiction Space Opera
Never Submit The Kurtherian Gambit Book 15 edition by Michael Anderle Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks Reviews
Yes, I am one who still reads the author notes at the end... over all great book, think it could have used a little more detail in some of the scenes....real let down that the military black ops folded so quickly....being military retired, you would hope the leadership had a little more backbone, but he actually had more common sense which was a little unbelievable....
As you mentioned in your notes, yes knew the outcome of the Yollins because of one of the book introductions...history lesson, what alien did she first attack or attacked by...Yollin king being the enemy a surprise, yes....but was to you too....funny what the subconscious can dictate....
All in all a very enjoyable read...felt you had gotten A little off track on the last book and it seemed to drag until the very end, but you were spot on right zzz from the beginning with this one....dragging the reader along on the roller coaster of fun this book was....
NS squared being a bar was a really nice you touch....
Why can't these books come out in the morning? I spend half the night reading because I can't put the book down. This one is just as good as all the rest. That is to say outstanding.
While waiting for the next installment of this series I read for a second time all fifteen books. They are awesome. There is nothing comparable on to the pure entertainment these books provide. Closest was Dahners' Ell Donsaii series, but apparently he has abandoned the series in favor of other works. Re-reading these books was a sheer pleasure and provide some insight and nuisances I missed the first time around. The setting for the Kurtherian Gambit series is environmental rich as evidenced by the number of off-shoot series that are based on Kurtherian background. It seems that in writing a review one must comment on the character development in the book. In this series the characters are well developed and complex complete with their quirks and warts. Thankfully, the author has stayed away from what I call the Greek Hero tragedy complex wherein the protagonist has a fatal character flaw that brings about their downfall. Here the heroes and heroines are strong and steadfast the villains are numerous, and not all of them are one dimensional. The storyline for the entire series is fast paced and suspenseful. I have stayed up until three a.m. to read these books. I can not praise them enough. They would make a dam good television series.
I have just finished reading Never Submit. This is fifteenth book in Michael Anderle's Kurtherian Gambit series. In this book Bethany Anne and her empire finally leave Earth and cross to truly alien space. Well they do eventually.
If you are leaving home for a long time then you'd better prepare properly. It's clear that Anderle has put a lot of thought into this (or maybe his FB fans did). Where do you buy loo roll in space? Great question. The first part of the book is a series of tidying up loose ends which are handled with a sense of humor and with the customary flow and panache of Andrele's writing. The move to Yollin space and the battles wit the alien fleet and king provide a typically space-opera flourish to the end of the book and set up the third arc nicely.
This book and the previous book is set about 3 years after the events in Book 13 and so some of the character introductions can be a bit jarring. I haven't read all of the intermediate books in different series so some of the new characters came as a surprise. This is not a standalone book and not a standalone series any more either. I'm not even certain that I want to read the other series either.
This is space opera. Anderle treads a fine line between classic space opera of the EE "Doc" Smith sort (all brobdignagian coruscations) and the tedium of David Weber's Honor Harrington space battles. I think his exciting space battles are just fine and his characters work well. He is in danger of going exponential with the number of characters though and a character cull would make the stories flow more easily.
I'm looking forward to diving into the third arc and I might even read the intermediate stories too (maybe).
We always knew they were in Space and preparing to go through the Gate to challenge the Yollins who thought to subjugate Earth. But would anyone expect the exit party on Earth? That was nicely done--a bit of romance, a bit of nostalgia, and a bucket of loose ends that needed stomping. Good fun!
You wonder what could be next when you hear echoes of "No Coke. Pepsi" from the Blues Brothers.
You think you know where the Marvel Universe ends, and then you find Agent Colson in the vicinity of something sort of alien.
You know you're reading something above average when the Universe watches as the Queen Bitch weeps.
And when the battle for Yollin heats up, you know the Etheric Empire has been just as busy building a fleet as Blackhawk, William and Marcus have been busy brewing beer (and, maybe, more?).
That fifth star must have magnets, or gravitic engines. I keep trying to pull it down as a protest against copy editing that still needs work. Then that star flies back into formation because the story is just so fast and so fun.
The Kurtherian Gambit series is available as a direct purchase for , or as an indirect purchase through the Unlimited program, which is how I accessed it based on my monthly payment to KU, which then compensates authors whose books get read via KU. It's not like I bought a used book at a rummage sale for 25 cents (hardcover) or 10 cents (paperback). It's exclusively an ebook so I had to pay the piper somehow. Seems like both paths should justify the "verified purchase" label when reviews are being prioritized.
So far, 15 thumbs up and counting. Next stop Never Surrender (The Kurtherian Gambit Book 16)

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